

Aug 18

Khasiat Manna – Gam Arab Bio Emas


Manna atau Arabic Gum (Gum Arab / Senegal Acacia / Gusi Senegal) Khasiat dan Keistimewaannya

Banyak kajian saintifik keatas Manna mendapati ia sangat berkesan digunakan sebagai Prebiotik. Satu kajian yang diterbitkan oleh Br.Jour.Nutrition 2008-March, membandingkan Manna dengan Inulin sebagai Prebiotik.

Kajian klinikal keatas manusia yang diberi Manna (Gum Arabic) 10gm sehari dan Inulin 10gm selama 4 minggu menunjukkan pertambahan bakteria Bifidobacteria dan Lactobacilli termasuk Bacteroides di dalam kumuhan najis lebih tinggi pada sample Manna (Gum Arabic) berbanding Inulin.

Darah Tinggi  

Ini bermakna Manna (Gum Arabic) adalah Prebiotik semulajadi yang terbaik dan paling mudah untuk Probiotik berkembang. Ia juga tidak merangsang bakteria bukan Probiotik. Antara kajian lain yang dijalankan menunjukkan kebaikan  Manna (Gum Arabic) . Kesan penurunan tekanan darah pada pesakit darah tinggi:

  • Mengurangkan penghasilan radical oksigen bebas (free oxygen radical).
  • Meningkatkan paras butyrate dalam serum darah.
  • Memperbaiki tindakbalas sistem imun tubuh melalui rangsangan kepada sel dendritic didalam lumen usus dan penghasilan cytokine.
  • Membantu serapan mineral seperti zink, sodium dan calcium.
  • Menghalang pertumbuhan sel kanser usus dan keradangan (inflammation) usus melalui modifikasi angiogenetic factors .
  • Mengurangkan paras urea dan menambah nitrogen dalam najis kepada pesakit rosak buah pinggang. .
  • Penawar kepada pesakit buah pinggang teruk (chronic and end stage kidney disease).

Kegagalan Buah Pinggang – CRF

Kajian klinikal keatas pesakit paediatrik end stage renal failure menunjukkan pesakit dapat mengurangkan kekerapan dialisis dan menjalani kehidupan lebih baik lihat: Paediatric Nephrology 2004, Oct. Artikel penuh boleh baca di sini…

Kajian keatas haiwan menunjukkan peningkatan creatinine cleareance dan perubahan electrolyte excreation yang mempunyai kesan baik (favourable) keatas masaalah buah pinggang (renal insufficiency) (Tubingen Univer. Germany).

Kencing Manis – Diabetes

Kajian Cardiff University ke atas pesakit buah pinggang dan kencing manis yang diberi 25gm Manna selama 8-12 minggu mendapati ada kesan penurunan dalam tekanan darah.

Kajian lain di University yang sama kepada pengidap kencing manis menunjukkan improvement dalam tekanan darah yang seterusnya memberi kesan yang positif keatas penyakit buah pinggang (progression of renal dis.).

Kajian lain pula (Hyderabad India) mendapati penggunaan 20gm Manna mampu mengurangkan paras gula dalam darah. Kajian keatas tikus (Sultan Qaboos University) menjukkan ada kesan keatas imbangan elektrolit, vitamin D dan alahan kepada manusia.

Manna adalah demulcent dan melegakan radang membran mukus dan digunakan terutamanya dalam ubatan untuk batuk dan masaalah gastrousus. Manna di dalam product mengurangkan keradangan (inflammation) dalam saluran pernafasan, saluran gastrousus dan sistem urinary dan baik untuk batuk, selsema, sakit mata dan cirit birit.


  • Merupakan mikroflora normal di dalam usus, dapat bertahan hidup, berkembangbiak dan bermetabolisma di dalam usus.
  • Bersifat antagonis terhadap bakteria patogen dan karsinogenik serta tidak beracun dan bukan patogen.
  • Dapat tumbuh dalam usus manusia, iaitu dengan menempel terlebih dahulu pada sel epitelium manusia dan mengkolonisasi pada sisi penempelan.
  • Mampu menghadapi rintangan enzim air liur, suasana asid dalam perut dan asid hempedu.
  • Berfungsi meningkatkan kesihatan dan mampu berkembang biak dengan cepat dalam medium fermentasi yang sederhana dan murah.
  • Mampu bertahan dalam pengolahan tanpa kehilangan kemampuan, serta mampu digabungkan dengan berbagai jenis bahan makanan.

Penggunaan probiotik secara oral dianggap selamat dan bahkan disyorkan oleh World Health Organization (WHO) di bawah panduan khusus, probiotik telah terbukti bermanfaat kepada pesakit tertentu.

Dalam ujian klinikal yang dilakukan di University of Western Australia, menunjukkan kesan probiotik dalam mengurangkan alergi pada anak-anak. Dr Susan Prescott BMedSc MB BS PhD W.Aust., FRACP dan rakan-rakan memberikan anak-anak 178 probiotik atau plasebo untuk enam bulan pertama dari kehidupan mereka. Mereka yang diberikan bakteria “baik” cenderung memiliki kepekaan terhadap penyebab alergi dan meningkatkan sistem imun mereka.


Pandangan daripada Dr. Amir Farid Isahak

Gum Arabic: Gum Arabic is the superstar of prebiotics. For many years, it has been used in the food and beverage industry, but not for its health benefits. It is the ingredient that helps keep the bubbles in your soda drink stable. Without the fizz, half the fun of drinking soda is gone (although drinking soda is certainly not good for health).

Since it is a powerful prebiotic, all the benefits of probiotics mentioned above can be expected from consuming it.

Gum Arabic is mainly produced in the arid lands of Sudan and neighbouring countries. It has been used as traditional medicine for many years, with many known health benefits. It was introduced to me by two friends, who also introduced me to the former Sudanese government minister who is the exporter.

We had a long discussion on the history and benefits of Gum Arabic. The former minister is convinced that it is the “food from heaven” (“Al Manna”) mentioned in the Bible and the Quran.

My two friends had gone to Sudan with him to inspect the area that grew the Acacia trees that produced Gum Arabic (much like how latex is produced once the bark of the rubber tree is poked or cut), and to see the manufacturing process.

The gummy product is sourced from two Acacia species (A. senegal and A. seyal) and then processed to powder form. It is consumed after mixing with plain cold water. My two friends are now the importer and CEO respectively of the importing company.

My friends have first-hand knowledge of the benefits of Gum Arabic. One is a medical practitioner who runs a busy clinic. His patients with diabetes showed remarkable improvements after consuming Gum Arabic, including one man who had kidney failure, was on dialysis for many years, and had not produced any urine for the last 10 years.

I also have a good story to tell. My mother (83 years old) has been on hypertensive medicines for many years (not prescribed by me!). She tried Gum Arabic, and after several weeks, her pressure is now normal without any drugs.

However, her blood pressure still goes up when she is stressed, and returns to normal when she is able to rest and forget whatever upsets her. She is now getting my aunties to take it too.

I strongly recommend everyone to try Gum Arabic. There are many benefits that are already known from the prebiotic properties that it has.

However, I suspect that it has many other constituents that are yet to be discovered.

In the next article, I will share yet more nutritional options to prevent and fight diabetes.

In the meantime, do not forget that fighting diabetes (and other chronic diseases) begins with a healthy lifestyle, a healthy diet, sufficient exercise (including building muscles), and maintaining optimum weight. I hope all of you made resolutions to improve your health in 2013. Happy New Year!

# Dr Amir Farid Isahak is a medical specialist who practises holistic, aesthetic and anti-ageing medicine. He is a qigong master and founder of SuperQigong. For further information, e-mail starhealth@thestar.com.my. The views expressed are those of the writer and readers are advised to always consult expert advice before undertaking any changes to their lifestyles. The Star does not give any warranty on accuracy, completeness, functionality, usefulness or other assurances as to the content appearing in this column. The Star disclaims all responsibility for any losses, damage to property or personal injury suffered directly or indirectly from reliance on such information.

Lagi artikel mengenai Manna:

Penyelidikan Mengenai Khasiat Manna (arabic gum) Oleh Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM)

Ini bermakna Manna adalah Prebiotik semulajadi yang terbaik dan paling mudah untuk Probiotik berkembang. Ia juga tidak merangsang bakteria bukan Probiotik.

Penyelidikan Mengenai Potensi Manna Dalam Mengatasi masaalah Buah Pinggang.

1. The effects of gum arabic oral treatment on the metabolic profile of chronic renal failure patients under regular haemodialysis in Central Sudan.
This study aimed at assessing the effect of gum arabic (Acacia senegal) oral treatment on the metabolic profile of chronic renal failure (CRF) patients.

A total of 36 CRF patients (under regular haemodialysis) and 10 normal subjects participated in this study.

The patients were randomly allocated into three groups-group A: 12 CRF patients under low-protein diet (LPD) (<40 g day(-1)) and gum arabic (50 g day(-1)) treatment; group B: 14 CRF patients under LPD and gum arabic, iron (ferrous sulphate, 200 mg day(-1)) and folic acid (5 mg day(-1)) treatment; group C (control group): 10 CRF patients under LPD and iron and folic acid treatment and group D: 10 normal volunteers (on normal diet) under daily dose of 50 g gum arabic.

Each of the above treatments was continued for three consecutive months. Blood samples were collected from each subject before treatment and twice per month “pre-dialysis” for 3 months.

Biochemical parameters measured were: serum urea, serum creatinine, serum uric acid, serum calcium and serum phosphorus. By the end of the 3 months of treatment, serum urea levels significantly decreased by 31.2 and 44.18% for group A and B, respectively, compared with the baseline (0.01 < p < 0.001) and control group (p < 0.05). Serum creatinine levels significantly decreased in the groups of gum users (A, B and D) by 9.94, 12.65 and 11.7%, respectively, compared with the control group (p < 0.001).

There was a significant decrease (p < 0.05) in serum uric acid levels by 14 and 19.9% for group A and B, respectively, compared with the baseline. Serum calcium levels increased by 12.64, 15.75 and 8.75% for group A, B and D, respectively, and these increases were significantly different (0.05 < p < 0.001) from baseline and control group for groups A and B. Serum phosphorus levels significantly decreased by 22.54% for group A, 17.69% for group B and 7.71% for group D, compared with the baseline (0.05 < p < 0.001).

From this study, we conclude that oral administration of gum arabic could conceivably alleviate adverse effects of CRF.  http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17999333

2. Effects of gum arabic (Acacia senegal) on water and electrolyte balance in healthy mice.
Gum arabic (GA) is a dietary fiber derived from the dried exudates of Acacia senegal. It is widely used in both the pharmaceutical and food industries as an emulsifier and stabilizer. It is also used in the traditional treatment of patients with chronic kidney disease in Middle Eastern countries. However, the effects of GA on renal function remain ill-defined.
We explored the effects of GA on the water and electrolyte balance of healthy wild-type 129S1/SvImJ mice (n = 18). Feces and urine were collected in metabolic cages before and after 3 or 14 days of treatment with 10% GA in drinking water.
The GA solutions contained particularly high concentrations of Ca2+, Mg2+, and K+. Because of enhanced uptake, treatment with GA significantly increased both the intestinal and renal excretion of Mg2+ and Ca(2+). The latter was accompanied by decreased urinary excretion of inorganic phosphate and decreased plasma concentrations of 1,25-dihydroxy vitamin D. Moreover, GA significantly increased fecal weight and Na+ excretion. Gum arabic increased 24-h creatinine clearance (from 283 +/- 35 to 382 +/- 40 muL/min [SEM]) and urinary antidiuretic hormone excretion, and decreased daily urine output (from 1.8 +/- 0.2 to 1.2 +/- 0.1 mL/24 h) as well as the urinary excretion of Na(+) (from 226 +/- 22 to 196 +/- 19 mumol/24 h). In conclusion, treatment with GA resulted in moderate but significant increases of creatinine clearance and altered electrolyte excretion, i.e., effects favorable in renal insufficiency.
US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health

Sumber rujukan kajian/penyelidikan ke atas khasiat Manna (Arabic Gum – Acacia Gum)

  1. Kajian Klinikal Rawak Kesan Al Manna Gum Arabic (Acacia Senegal) terhadap Faktor Risiko Kardiovaskular dan Gejala Gastrointestinal pada Orang Dewasa Berisiko Sindrom Metabolik
  2. GUM ARABIC – AL Manna: Gambaran Keseluruhan, Kegunaan Dan Kesan Sampingan
  3. Al Manna – Gum Arab Mengurangkan Protein C-Reaktif dalam Pesakit Penyakit Buah Pinggang Kronik CKD
  4. Al Manna Atau Gum Arab Merawat Keradangan dan Keparahan Pesakit Artritis Rheumatoid – Phase II Trial
  5. Al Manna Boleh Menurunkan Berat Badan Pesakit Kencing Manis – a randomized and placebo-controlled clinical trial
  6. Gam Arab Sebagai Agen Antioksidan Dalam Penyakit Sickle Cell Anemia (Penyakit Sel Sabit)
  7. Gum Arabic as novel anti-oxidant agent in sickle cell anemia, phase II trial – Published on 2017 Mar 16
  8. Effects of Gum Arabic in rats with adenine-induced chronic renal failure
  9. Comparative efficacy of three brands of gum acacia on adenine-induced chronic renal failure in ratsEffect of gum arabic on oxidative stress and inflammation in adenine-induced chronic renal failure in rats
  10. Oxidative stress in uremia: nature, mechanisms, and potential consequences
  11. Motor and behavioral changes in rats with adenine-induced chronic renal failure: influence of acacia gum treatment
  12. Effect of Acacia gum on blood pressure in rats with adenine-induced chronic renal failure
  13. Does treatment with gum Arabic affect experimental chronic renal failure in rats
  14. Effects of gum arabic (Acacia senegal) on water and electrolyte balance in healthy mice
  15. The effect of treatment with gum Arabic on gentamicin nephrotoxicity in rats: a preliminary study
  16. Evaluation of the efficacy of ginger, Arabic gum, and Boswellia in acute and chronic renal failure
  17. The effects of gum arabic oral treatment on the metabolic profile of chronic renal failure patients under regular haemodialysis in Central Sudan
  18. Protective effects of oral arabic gum administration on gentamicin-induced nephrotoxicity in rats
  19. Gum arabic establishes prebiotic functionality in healthy human volunteers in a dose-dependent manner.
  20. Hybrid nanomaterials based on gum Arabic and magnetite for hyperthermia treatments.
  21. Curcumin loaded gum arabic aldehyde-gelatin nanogels for breast cancer therapy.
  22. Development of a new model for the induction of chronic kidney disease via intraperitoneal adenine administration, and the effect of treatment with gum acacia thereon.
  23. Renal and extrarenal effects of gum arabic ( Acacia senegal )–what can be learned from animal experiments?
  24. Anti-malarial effect of gum arabic.
  25. Six-year dialysis freedom in end-stage renal disease.
  26. Acacia gum supplementation of a low-protein diet in children with end-stage renal disease.
  27. Review The use of acacia gum in end stage renal failure.
  28. Butyrate modulates TGF-beta1 generation and function: potential renal benefit for Acacia (sen) SUPERGUM (gum arabic)?
  29. In-situ formation and assembly of gold nanoparticles by gum arabic as efficient photothermal agent for killing cancer cells.


Manna (Gum arab atau Gum Arabic) Penawar Penyakit Buah Pinggang

Bio Emas Merawat Penyakit Buah Pinggang

Sila KLIK imej di bawah untuk mendengar mengenai Jus Delima Bio Emas